Author Archives: olm801



Although I already knew a lot about this topic before the presentation, I still learned from it. It helped me look at social networks in a new light. I always looked at the use of Twitter and Facebook as more of a personal benefit. A way for everyone to keep up with friends and family, and stay on top of the gossip. I now see how helpful these social sites can be when trying to increase advertisement for businesses and much more. In class they had us follow CA260 on Facebook. We never actually used it to communicate with each other, but I think if we would have it might have helped students that were confused at times. I know it’s hard to believe, but Facebook and Twitter are good for much more than posting “selfies” (Instagram users know what i’m talking about). Overall a good presentation!

Lady Jaguar Volleyball off to a great start!!


For the first time in a long time the lady jag volleyball team is off to a 3-1 start in conference play. This past weekend they beat both Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University in three straight sets! Under the new head coach Amy Hendrichovsky the lady jags look to continue to step up their game. This weekend they head to Arkansas to play The University of Arkansas Little Rock and Arkansas State. For more information about this past weekends matches click here and here! GO JAGS!!!!!


There is no need for Twitter to compete with Facebook because everyone likes each one for a different reason. Twitter is supposed to be used for people to write out everything that comes to their mind. Facebook is more of a complete package. Although this is how they are supposed to be used they are very similar and are both connected. On both Facebook and Twitter you can message others, upload photos, and write what you are thinking.  Read the rest of this entry

Race and Class: Are they shaping more than we think?



Until reading this article I have never thought about the idea of race and class shaping sites like Facebook and Myspace. I do however, remember when the switch from Myspace to Facebook happened. I had a Myspace first and after using Facebook for a while, I no longer use my Myspace. Even though I made the switch, it had nothing to do with race. I started using Facebook because it was new and I just liked the way it was run much better than Myspace.  Read the rest of this entry

Is Google Making Us Stupid??


This article covers a topic that is constantly being brought up in today’s society. When we need to know anything at all what do we do? Google it, duh! As awesome as it is to be able to look up literally whatever we need at any time it also has a negative side.

Nicholas Carr states in his article that the internet has helped him do things as a writer that used to take days but at the same time he can feel himself getting dumber. He talks about him not being able to sit down and really get into a book anymore without getting bored or fidgety. I can relate to that. I used to enjoy reading much more than I do now. Today I would much rather shop on the internet or get on a social media than read unless I am very interested in the book.

Not only do researchers realize people are unable to sit and read a book, but it is becoming more difficult for us to comprehend the text. We have become used to reading short summaries, or definitions on the internet. So when we go to read a book or even anything more than a definition it takes us longer to understand.

This is not a positive change in my opinion. I honestly do not know what I would do without Google or other search engines, but if we continue at this pace society as a whole may get dumber.

Go Jags!!



My nane is Olivia Lynd Mohler and I am a giant red head! I am a Senior volleyball player at South Alabama. Sports have always been in my life and I wanted to contimue to play in college. I am from a small country town called Vancleave, in Mississippi.  I love where I grew up but do not want to go back there any time soon. I am a very loud and outgoing person and I love meeting new people. I have an older brother, Trey, who is in the Army. He recently left to go to Afghanastan for a year. I am SO proud of him!! God and my family are a huge part of my life. I would not be where I am today without either one of them. I hope to continue to play volleyball in Europe after I am finished here at South. If not, my plans are to become a sports broadcaster. Well, that is a litt bit of information about me!! If you have any questions feel free to ask!