Is Google Making Us Stupid??


This article covers a topic that is constantly being brought up in today’s society. When we need to know anything at all what do we do? Google it, duh! As awesome as it is to be able to look up literally whatever we need at any time it also has a negative side.

Nicholas Carr states in his article that the internet has helped him do things as a writer that used to take days but at the same time he can feel himself getting dumber. He talks about him not being able to sit down and really get into a book anymore without getting bored or fidgety. I can relate to that. I used to enjoy reading much more than I do now. Today I would much rather shop on the internet or get on a social media than read unless I am very interested in the book.

Not only do researchers realize people are unable to sit and read a book, but it is becoming more difficult for us to comprehend the text. We have become used to reading short summaries, or definitions on the internet. So when we go to read a book or even anything more than a definition it takes us longer to understand.

This is not a positive change in my opinion. I honestly do not know what I would do without Google or other search engines, but if we continue at this pace society as a whole may get dumber.

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