We are in control… right?


The article by Axel Bruns, “Who controls the means of produsage?” really got me thinking. The article addresses the question who controls the means of distribution. As we use the web daily do we ever stop to consider who is in control of the means of produsage? Yes, as the article states, distribution no longer means what it used to in the industrial age, when we dealt with everything in physical form. Now we not only are able to consume the information, but also produce it. Any individual can find information via the web, interpret it, and respond to it by replying or even changing the information. Although this it true, production and usage are nothing without interaction. The article uses Google as an example of the first impact with interaction. It enabled a whole new level of discovery and access which without our interaction with others would not have been as effective as it turned out to be. Google is not the sole contributor to this change. Facebook, Digg, Twitter, Blogger, and Wikipedia are some others that have made huge impact in not only bridging the gap between the producer and the user but also helped interaction without determining  what exactly that interaction will produce. 

The article mentions that as we make the slow shift from industrial to networked age, we must prepare for the transformations being made. I agree, and we must also begin to look at who controls the means of produsage and not just who owns the means of production.

One response »

  1. I’ve never really sat back and thought about like one certain person producing stuff on the web. Pretty much everyone participating on a big Internet website is the reason it’s really going. Of course the guys running it keep it alive with advertisement money and what not… They’re really just the money makers!

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